How we proceeded

On our way to becoming peacemakers, we worked together both digitally and during joint meetings.

The project was based on a competence model that combines the European Reference Framework for Digital Competences for Citizens (cf. European Union 2016) and the conceptualisation of peace education in schools formulated by Prof. Uli Jäger (cf. Jäger 2018, p. 332). Funded were:

  • Information literacy
  • Capacity to act
  • Self-efficacy

Always with reference to learning and living together peacefully in a digitalised school environment.

The competence model developed for the project for the teachers and pupils involved could be followed despite changes in the project plan. After a preparation and a project kick-off, the first learning activity and the identification of peace and conflict sectors worked on information literacy. A subsequent reorganisation was followed by a second learning activity and three theme weeks to strengthen agency. Finally, self-efficacy was strengthened in a third learning activity and a international project meeting.

A detailed description of the project steps can be found on the following pages.


The content of this site reflects the opinion of the author alone. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union