
GPENreformation lives from the activities of its members. However, in order to learn about events and projects of schools, universities and educational organizations on site and at the same time to be able to give impulses from the global level to the institutions themselves, committed mediators are needed – this task is dedicated to the GPENreformation Ambassadors. The international Council advises on structural developments and the content-related orientation of the network. The GPENreformation Secretary supports the activities on a global and local level.

A Circle of Friends with supporters and interested parties is currently being established.

The cooperation with other educational organizations and networks as well as church institutions is of great relevance for GPENreformation. The cooperation with the “Office International de l’Enseignement Catholique” (OIEC), the Catholic sisters’ network, is currently of particular importance.

The foundation of the network’s activities is the GPENreformation Foundation, which promotes and ensures the network’s independence, agility and ability to act.