International Project Meeting III: Spreading Together

In August 2022, the project experts met for the last time in Hanover/Germany to finalise the digital handbook “Experiencing Peace and Conflict with Students” and to disseminate it together with the “EduMaP“. For this purpose, the partners coordinated a digital multiplication event with participants from Europe and all over the world.

The meeting was based on the following programme:

Monday, August 22
17:45 Exchange and status quo

Tuesday, August 23
09:00 Preparation of the multiplication event
11:00 Editing of the e-book
12:00 Lunch and break
14:00 (Individual) preparation of the multiplication event and space for further topics
16:00 Implementation of the digital multiplication event
18:30 Guided tour of Hanover and dinner

Wednesday, August 24
09:00 Editing of the e-book
12:00 End of the event

The project meeting was a wonderful opportunity to look back on the last three years and bring this great project to a close together. You can find minutes about our reflection here:

Minutes International Project Meeting III Spreading Together
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union