Cooperation with OIEC
In 2018, GPENreformation invited the General Secretary of the International Office of Catholic Education (OIEC), Philippe Richard, to participate in the international conference in Tanzania; Philippe accepted the invitation and thus laid the foundation for the cooperation of both educational networks.
After OIEC and GPENreformation had been in lively exchange on and off for over a year, the OIEC Steering Committee and the GPENreformation Council met for a face-to-face meeting in Rome in January 2020. In addition to the presentation of the respective organisational/network structures, the focus was in particular on the Abidjan Principles and the UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report 2021, which is dedicated to non-state education actors.
Numerous common interests and visions led the governing bodies to the decision to also work together in the future for the recognition of Christian schools as “public” schools as well as for good education for all individuals.