Ambassador Projects

Conditions for funding an Ambassador-Project within GPENreformation


The proposed Ambassador Project has to fit the contents and aims of GPENreformation.
In tangible terms, it needs to fulfill the following conditions:

  • The project has to be situated in the Protestant education system.
  • At least two actors of GPENreformation (e.g. Ambassadors, Council Members, Friends, Member Schools) have to be involved in the project.
  • The project has to include a global perspective; even regional projects have to embed a global horizon.


Impact for GPENreformation

The applicating Ambassador commits to provide at least two articles/reports – ideally with photos – for the network’s Social Media work and/or the News area of the GPENreformation website and/or the Newsletter during the realization of the project. Furthermore, he/she submits a final report of the activities within six weeks after project completion as a contribution to the GPENreformation website.



To apply for a grant, an informal application is required that specifies and describes the planned activities, their objective and target group as well as the actors involved. The application must be supplemented by a cost plan.

Only measures that have not yet begun may be funded. Funding is granted on the basis of a letter of approval from GPENreformation. Acceptance of the grant must be confirmed by the applicant by means of a declaration of consent. After signing, immediate payment is possible.


Funding Amount

The funding amount complies with the following table:

Exchanges and visits on a local/national level 100-250 EUR
Exchanges and visits on an international level 250-500 EUR
Workshops, project weeks and longer-term partnerships on a local/national level 500-750 EUR
Workshops, project weeks and longer-term partnerships on an international level 750-1000 EUR