Second International Conference in Wittenberg 2015
The second international conference was held in Wittenberg from October 15–17, 2015, under the heading “500 Protestant Schools – One World. Towards the Reformation Jubilee 2017”. The conference addressed headmasters of schools that are involved in the project and had the following aims:
- discussing the identity and profile of Protestant schools in an ecumenical and global horizon,
- establishing new contacts and partnerships with Protestant schools from different countries and continents,
- planning and coordinating further steps of the project towards the Reformation Jubilee 2017 according to the annual themes,
- experiencing and celebrating the interplay of reformation, education and global responsibility in Martin Luther’s home town Wittenberg.
Many thanks to Alasdair Coates (UK) and Mireille Boissonnat (France) for the reports.