Second International Conference in Wittenberg 2015

The second international conference was held in Wittenberg from October 15–17, 2015, under the heading “500 Protestant Schools – One World. Towards the Reformation Jubilee 2017”. The conference addressed headmasters of schools that are involved in the project and had the following aims:

  • discussing the identity and profile of Protestant schools in an ecumenical and global horizon,
  • establishing new contacts and partnerships with Protestant schools from different countries and continents,
  • planning and coordinating further steps of the project towards the Reformation Jubilee 2017 according to the annual themes,
  • experiencing and celebrating the interplay of reformation, education and global responsibility in Martin Luther’s home town Wittenberg.

Many thanks to Alasdair Coates (UK) and Mireille Boissonnat (France) for the reports.

Programme Wittenberg 2015

810.1 KiB

Report Wittenberg 2015

224.8 KiB

Echos de conférence – French

69.2 KiB