Texts and Publications
Information about GPENreformation
Giving Voice to Protestant Schools worldwide
Facts and figures about GPENreformation and the network members
282.9 KiB
Position papers
Christian schools and the futures of education
A Contribution to UNESCO’s Futures of Education Commission by the International Office of Catholic Education and the Global Pedagogical Network - Joining in Reformation
884.9 KiB
Establishing common ground for protestant schools worldwide - English
2.0 MiB
More languages can be found under the following link: Our Vision
Join – the GPENreformation Journal
Didactic Tools
Putting down roots – Bearing fruit
Roots of Protestantism
Protest for the Future
95 Theses of Young People from around the World
95 Theses of young people from around the World
868.5 KiB
Continent Rally
Protest and Hope – Voices from the One World
Profound Theses
Technical Literature
Documentations and Protocols
Programme Wittenberg 2015
810.1 KiB
Report of the conference in Koforidua - English
39.5 MiB
Report of the conference in Dar es Salaam - English
309.4 KiB
Program of the International Symposium 2017 in Rwanda
163.4 KiB
International Conference Report - Long version
2.2 MiB
International Conference 2017 report - short version English
244.0 KiB