Organisation of Protestant schools and churches


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The Besturenraad is the Association for Christian Education in the Netherlands. Over 530 schoolboards representing 2.200 schools are a member of the Besturenraad. Therefore we represent about one third of all primary and secondary schools in the Netherlands. Also, schools for vocational training and institutes for higher education and universities are among our members.

We take part in the public and political debate on education from a Christian perspective. Also, we provide services including lobbying with government authorities, organizing networking activities, providing knowledge exchange and publishing academic research. We support and advise school boards and management on judicial matters, governance, change management, procurement, finance and Christian identity.

The Besturenraad supports member schools in their mission for good and valuable education. We emphasize the value of Christian education in the life of children, youngsters and students.

The position of Christian schools is changing due to individualization and secularization. Demographic changes threaten the diversity of schools, especially in rural areas. We help schools to analyze their regional situation and support them to work out future scenarios.

The position of Christian schools is an ongoing subject of public and political debate and the amount of autonomy is constantly threatened by regulations that lead to more uniformity. This requires careful study and constant lobbying.