Kecskemét Calvinist Primary school is a co-educational primary school with 710 students from 1st to 8th forms (years 6-14) and a staff of 58. Our school is situated in a wonderful one hundred year-old building in the heart of the town. The school is run by the Calvinist church of Kecskemét. According to our pedagogical programme we put a high emphasis on art education, we have a very highly qualified school choir. Learning languages is also in the focus in our school, that is why we have English and German bilingual classes. Our school is the best at mathematics in the region, we have outstanding achievements in this field. Several kinds of sports can be pursued in our school. We have a swimming pool of our own.
Existing cooperations
The school has been involved in several EU-projects (CulTiFoLa, MOLAN and INTACT).