Schule und Hochschule

Instituto Gutenberg

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Is a Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary School of the United Evangelical Lutheran Church, congregation San Pedro, in Misiones, Argentina.

Our history
In 1985 the Lutheran community, being highly concerned with education consolidated the idea of establishing a school. They put forward a proposal for an alternative educational project based on the premises of a holistic Lutheran approach.
In 1993 Instituto Gutenberg consolidated its educational labor by establishing a Kindergarten. This offer included the teaching of German as a foreign language.
Since its foundation the school meant was to run on the principles of equity, freedom of speech, and Christianity together with the promotion of creativity and cultural diversity.

About the Name Gutenberg
The invention of the mobile printing press changed the communication era. The school bears its name in recognition to the importance of the spread of ideas and knowledge. These are regarded as the most powerful means of achieving freedom and open-mindedness in a multicultural world.

The educational propose
The school is a place for citizenship-building. Luther and the Reformation understood education as:
“…the necessary process to form and qualify citizens to help them discern about the aspects of civil government based on education …”
Orientation in Biodiversity and Environmental Care is included in the Kindergarten curriculum. Such a topic is relevant to the children’s psychophysical and emotional development in their formal education. It enables them to be aware of our planet’s perils and helps them adopt an environmentally friendly lifestyle.

Bestehende Kooperationen

- Human Rights. The school holds an agreement with Centro Ana Frank Argentina, as an expression of its commitment to the building of a society based on Human Rights defense. Promoting the story life of Anne Frank and Children’s Rights constitute some of our greatest tasks.

- PaSch Program. The secondary school is part of a partners-project promoted by the Goethe Institut and the German government.

- Student Exchange Program with Die Loburg, Collegium Johanneum in Ostvebern, Germany.

- Partner Program with the Evangelische Gesamtschule Philipp Melanchthon, Wittenberg, Germany