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The Groupe Scolaire CYABAGARURA is a Public Aided School created in 2009 by Presbyterian Church initiative under the name of G.S CYABAGARURA with the objectives to develop the local people, religion and the country in general. The Groupe Scolaire CYABAGARURA is located in MUSANZE Sector, CYABAGARURA cell, MUSANZE District, Northern Province of Rwanda. In the beginning of January 2009, G.S CYABAGARURA was composed by Primary and Secondary School and became Groupe Scolaire CYABAGARURA (9YBE). In 2011 it became Secondary school without Primary and just now, this school is composed by Ordinary level (OL) and Advanced Level (AL) with the following combination:
MEG (Mathematic, Economics and Geography) and EFK (English, French and Kinyarwanda). An estimated number of the students today is 687 in which we have 281 girls and 406 boys. There are 20 teachers,12 male and 8 female. Administration staff is composed by Accountant, Deputy Head teacher and Head teacher. From the beginning, the school has a motto which is “A sound mind – A sound body – Education of Excellence”.

Existing cooperations


Our Peace Club provides a platform where young people can learn skills, exchange experiences, teach others and apply the knowledge of peace in their everyday life.

C.Peace club Background

• 2014: Created in MUSANZE District at G.S.CYABAGARURA by Interested teachers and Mr. UWACU KINYATA Bonaventure as club initiator.
The club contains other members including students and an executive committee of teachers among others a president, Treasurer, Secretary and Advisor Committee.

This committee of teachers acts here as coach and the students leading the club meeting (discussions).
The first challenge is that the club has only one trained teacher (male) to help the students members, we should at least have two trained teachers in peace keeping and conflict resolution.

C.Peace Club structure
C.Peace Club is a non-profit organization that aims at shaping tomorrow people starting in young scholars of Rwanda Secondary schools.
Mr. FURERE Zacharie (Chairperson)
Mrs. UWAMARIYA Philomène (Treasurer)
Mr. UWACU KINYATA Bonaventure (Club Initiator)
Mr. ISHIMWE IRAGABA Fabrice (Secretary)
Mr. RUHANAMIRINDI François (Advisor)
Mrs. UWIMANA Jacqueline (Advisor)
• Part ONE: Conflicts (14 Lessons)
• Part TWO: Violence (9 Lessons)
• Part THREE: Gender based violence and conflicts (13 Lessons)
• Part FOUR: Journey to Reconciliation (12 Lessons)
Available at


In the world a big number of people are suffering from gender based violence, acute poverty, racial discrimination and family conflicts. The world needs knowledge about peace. They should know that peace goes with respect, love of one another, safety and equity. Make this more practical than theories if you want build the world and better people of tomorrow.
“Peace is in our Hands, hence together we can”. This is the purpose of creating a Peace Club at GroupeScolaire CYABAGARURA in MUSANZE District.

The objectives of C.Peace Club are summarized as under:
• To provide a place where ideas, activities and information can be shared at School during meetings, discussion and regular events.
• To capture the expertise of our members on various issues in peace building, peace keeping and conflicts resolution.
• Offers members of C.Peace Club a collective influence and experience to support peace building and peace keeping. Help address major causes of human suffering and promote the shared interests of humanity, cases of our country coming from 1994 Genocide and its outcomes consequences.
• To be a peace representative in the region and globally to provide assistance to those in crisis and especially to educate children about peace. Say “No to conflicts”.
• Shape tomorrow people, starting in Secondary Schools.
• Encourage young scholars to understand the joy of peace and actively struggle for it.
• Peace and reconciliation, solidarity and generosity, love and care, patience and tolerance, understanding and acceptance, kindness and politeness, forgiveness and respect, greatness of heart.
In our School we believe in peace as shown by this P.E.A.C.E Acrostic:
C.Peace Club P.E.A.C.E Acrostic
– We are very passionate in peace keeping in the world and we believe that at the end of the day, peace will rule the world.
– The search for enlightenment and an appreciation for the exhilarating sense of the blessings that peace can bring.
– The keys to patience are acceptance and faith. Accept things as they are, and look realistically the world around us. Have faith in ourselves and the direction we have chosen.
– Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak, courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.
– The Earth is the mother of all people, and all people should have equal right upon it.