École et Université

Skerton St Luke’s CE School

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We are a one form entry school situated on the A6 north of Lancaster. From the Reception class to Year 6 we have high expectations of all within our school community, both adults and children. We believe that school should be a fun, exciting place where all pupils can become responsible, independent and motivated learners.
We work in partnership with parents as joint educators of our children. We aim to achieve this through good communication, an open door policy where parents feel welcome in school and where their concerns and questions are listened to and acted upon. Parental involvement is a key to the success of any school and also to the development of every child. With this in mind we provide a wealth of opportunity for parents to be involved in the life of the school and their child’s learning, including an active and thriving “Friends” association.
Skerton St Luke’s welcomes all children from the neighbourhood whatever their religious background. The Christian foundation is at the centre of the life of the school and is actively supported by all staff, governors and local clergy.