TTC Rubengera: Let’s celebrate our Partnership!

TTC Rubengera: Let’s celebrate our Partnership!

On 13th October 2016, TTC Rubengera delighted to welcome the delegation from Rhineland-Palatinate: Mr. Gunther Charz, the District Administrator Rhineland-Palatinate and Mrs. Dr. Susanne Ganster, the Member of Parliament. The main purpose of the visit intended to observe outcomes of the partnership within institutions and activities originating from the main stream of the Partnership Rwanda-Rhineland and Palatinate commemorating 34 years.

The delegation took time to visit different activities that are carried-out in TTC Rubengera, as a Center for training future primary and nursery teachers, among others: a library, a Teacher Resource Centre (TRC) and Arts Club. They observed students’ activities and their contribution to their own education and education of others.

This Partnership existing for years has been much revived from 2015. The effort is made to exchange news from both schools. TTC Rubengera has started integrating the symbols of the partnership in Arts and cultural activities. Logos of both partnered schools are displayed to ensure the visibility of the partnership.

Mr. Gunther Charz and Dr Susanne Ganster appreciated the efforts of the school in partnership and promise their support in different projects. TTC Rubengera has some projects aiming at delivering quality education and rehabilitation of its infrastructures, among others: the removal of asbestos; Construction of new dormitory; Enhancing Literacy through the Club “Tusome-Tuseme-Tuandike” (Read-Speak-Write), Sports for Peace, etc.

TTC Rubengera Rubengera through its partnership Committee acknowledges the contribution of everyone who strives for the achievement of its goals and the sustainability of the partnership!

Pastor Ernest NKURUNZIZA
The Chaplain at TTC Rubengera
Phone No. (+250)788530784

Mr. MUKIZA R. Gervais
The Principal of TTC Rubengera
Phone No. (+250)7888540586


The team of GPENreformation thanks Rev. Ernest NKURUNZIZA for sending the text and photos.