Singing, dancing and wishes for the future –
The party for the African Child in Nyakato was full of blessing
It was a sunny morning in Nyakato Bible School and Theological College, when the assembly hall started to fill with children of the nearby Protestant schools.
The guest of honor, Bishop Andrew Petro Gulle, the bishop of Evangelical Lutheran church in Tanzania – East of Lake Victoria Diocese, got a welcome parade of children singing when he arrived. The event started with welcoming words of Pastor Mimii Brown and continued with singing the national hymn together. Children who had arrived first, had already had time to practice the song, so the hall chimed majestically with the melody. Every attending school had their own shows: Songs, dances and drama. The children also got the chance to say their greetings, hopes or worries of their future:
“Let´s keep peace in Tanzania!”
“We want to give thanks to the government to ban plastic bags, because taking care of the environment is the most important task we have.”
“Let the children get their education!”
After presenting their performances all children got to dance to “I know who I am” – a spiritual song by Nigerian artist Sinach. The lyrics of the song represented the atmosphere of the day:
“Take a look at me, I´m a wonder.
It doesn´t matter what you see now.
Can you see His glory?
For I know who I am.”
When it was time for lunch, every child got a proper meal, a soda and cake – which gave the energy to continue to the activities! Children could choose their activity among various options, such as football, musical chairs and sack race.
The day contained lots of laughter, music, and the healing power of God.
Text and Photos: Virve Rissanen