The “Complexe Scolaire SEAMAN” secondary school is located in Goma in the province of North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The C.S. SEAMAN is a Christian school of MICOVEVI, the “International Ministry of Compassion for Orphans, Widows and Elders”. This interdenominational ministry and the Church of the Nazarene in Congo (ENACO) support particularly children in difficult situations: Orphans, abandoned children, raped girls, demilitarised children, children whose parents are affected by HIV/AIDS, street children, children of church servants and other children from the surrounding area. The supported children are supervised and taught. Some learn tailoring to earn a living; others receive a training that enables them to give injections to fight diseases caused by harmful insects (fleas, chin beetles, cockroaches, etc.) in various households in the city of Goma. In addition, cooking skills, skills relevant for small businesses and administrative basics are taught.
Since 1995, the school has also been working for endangered and raped widows and women in tailoring. It supports the functional literacy of adults and provides small, revolving loans for small businesses.
MICOVEVI has planned a three-year rehabilitation of C.S. SEAMAN to increase the school’s capacity. They plan to build 24 rooms and equip the school with books for the library and a computer workshop. Six of the rooms were completed thanks to the great commitment of the local actors. However, institutions and schools are facing great difficulties, especially in the history of the country.
A report by Reverend TOMBO WILONDJA Emmanuel Gestionnaire, Chairman of the Board of Directors