“In front of the castle church in Wittenberg 500 balloons are flying up to the sky. They carry personal thoughts of students from all over the world about earth’s future. The students have been working and celebrating together the whole day right in the middle of the World Reformation Exhibition. Shortly after, they will celebrate an English-French-German worship in occasion of the Reformation Jubilee in the castle church; because: It is the “Global schools500reformation Day”!”
More than one year after the great transformation of schools500reformation into the long-term network GPENreformation we would like to look back: To a summer full of enriching encounters, touching experiences and unforgettable moments.
Smell the scent of fresh “talents tent-wafers”, move into the abandoned Karl Marx School with us and celebrate Protestant schools worldwide and their common roots in the Reformation – read “Join”, the GPENreformation Journal 2018!