The Ecumenical Youth Services (EYS) is an international work camp programme and follows the tradition of the Ecumenical International Reconstruction Camps, which were developed and organised by the Youth Department of the World Council of Churches (WCC) after World War II. Today, the “Office for Church Services” of the Protestant Church Berlin-Brandenburg-schlesische Oberlausitz is the responsible body for the EYS.
EYS work camps are work assignments for young people (18 – 26 years old – in consultation also from 16/17 years) from Europe and the world. By participating in a work camp, young people can get involved in meaningful, socially relevant projects for 2 weeks and also have many opportunities for international exchange.
Work camps in summer 2021
After the EYS was able to organise an international, very successful work camp in 2020 despite the omnipresent difficulties, it is clear: there will be camps in 2021 as well!
Of course, these could only ever take place depending on the applicable country regulations. Because these regulations are always changing, information on this will only be sent to the participants 4 weeks before the camp. The hygiene concept will always be adapted to the current conditions. You can read more about the planned measures here.
From 02 July to 07 August the camps should take place at different locations in Germany. You can find out exactly where and when here.
Conditions of participation
- An EYS work camp lasts 2 weeks and takes place in July/August.
- There is a participation fee of 25€. The workcamps are funded by the federal government (BMFSFJ).
- The costs for accommodation, meals and leisure activities are covered by the EYS.
- The travel costs to the camp location and back home must be paid by the participants themselves.
- Approximately 12 youths and young adults live together in the camp.
- At least 5 nations are represented in each camp.
- The EYS is open to everyone: Christians, Muslims, people of other faiths or non-believers.
- The work camp group is accompanied by 2-3 volunteer team members.
- The work camp group is usually accommodated under the simplest conditions.
- The camp participants work together and organise their free time in the group.
- Working at the camp means working unpaid for about 5 hours a day for 9 days.
- There is no financial remuneration for the work.
- The group takes care of itself. (Cooking and cleaning!)
- Accident and liability insurance cover is taken out for all participants.
- At the end of the camp, all participants will receive a certificate of participation.
If you would like to know more about the EYS work camps, please contact the GPENreformation Secretary or Karolin Minkner, director of the Ecumenical Youth Services and consultant for international youth encounters.