Dear members of GPENreformation,
Since April 7, 2023, Rwanda begins the week dedicated to the commemoration, for the twenty-ninth time, of the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsis in April 1994. During this period, the Rwandan people remember this inhuman tragedy that claimed more than one million people, systematically killed, in the space of 100 days. Today, the suffering experienced by the survivors is still visible.
This period of commemoration coincides with the celebration of the central event of the Christian faith, the feast of Easter, when Christians remember the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. During this period, pupils, students and teachers will be in the short Easter holidays to have time to reflect with other Rwandans on the causes and consequences of the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsis in Rwanda, the objective is to “KWIBUKA TWIYUBAKA”, which means “Commemorate by rebuilding”.
I share this message with you, dear members of GPENreformation, to remind you that remembrance is a duty in the life of every person and in particular in the life of every Christian. As members of GPENreformation, we have a duty to stand in solidarity with those who are suffering and going through difficult times, like the Rwandan people who are commemorating this tragedy. We ask you to remember in your thoughts and prayers all the survivors of this genocide. Together let us be committed to commemorate this genocide by saying never again and rebuilding our unity and brotherly love in faith in Jesus Christ.
Rev. Mutabazi Samuel
Director of the Bureau National de l’Enseignement Protestant (BNEP) in Rwanda
Member of GPENreformation
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