An special encounter with our partners from the TTC Rubengera
It seems to be difficult to choose one favourite moment and to write about it, because the
experiences , we have got at Witterberg, for me are all real gifts.
So I can say that the workshops for our students and for us, their teachers, have been a very good
lesson to think about, what it means: Global Solidarity.
All the experiences, or playing together, or dancing and singing, or sharing a meal, just all the
differnt activities we had planned and realized during and after the International Schools Camp, for
me have been the concretization of this term. So the two weeks, we lived together, describe a
process, how to reach every person of our group, how to learn from the others , proceding from
an other culture, about the other mentality and forms to express the emotions.
At least , I have learned about myself to be more patient , to take care of our friends from Ruanda,
always thinking about the cultural differences and with the intention that they are well Therefore
the impressions, I had taken in the pictures, don´t only show those special moments, but also
express the steps to go towards the Global Solidarity with a lot of joy and also in the faith we have
as christians. As catholic teacher, I have got a very good impression about the celebrations of
Reformation, in the sense of unity and community , this will help me to transmit some ideas to my
own school preparing the 31 th october this year.
Thanks for all people, sisters and brothers, I met at Wittenberg. God bless you !
Manuela Wagner-Heim (Paul Schneider Gymnasium , Meisenheim)