Haïti: Report from Ambassador Christon St Fort

When the spread of the coronavirus pandemic began in Haiti, the “Fédération des Ecoles Protestantes d’Haïti” (FEPH) “defined its coronavirus preparedness and response plan, which includes strengthening the institution’s capacity to deal with the health emergency and reducing the impact of the crisis on the education sector, in collaboration with the government and technical and financial partners. In this way, the administration is ensuring the essential activities of its annual plan for 2019-2020 and the cyclical activities caused by the pandemic, all of which are important for the fulfilment of its mission. In this perspective, the following measures have been considered with regard to capacity building for FEPH:

  1. The establishment of an “Emergency Coronavirus” focal point.
  2. The technical equipment of the staff for remote work.
  3. Raising staff awareness of the prevention of the disease.
  4. The intensification of hygiene in offices.”

Read the full report on the situation of the FEPH by Ambassador Christon St Fort in French here:

14042020_CSF-FEPH-COVID19_Note de situation
Report of the situation in Haiti concerning the COVID 19-Pandemic
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