Escola Barão do Rio Branco accepts Prize for GPENreformation’s Participation Campaign

“The Lord God is our light and our shield.” (Psalm 84.11)

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

It is with great satisfaction and joy that Barão do Rio Branco School received tablets as a result of our actions for peace and solidarity – EDUCATION FOR PEACE. We were very happy to be able to participate so beautifully and intensely in this project. We thank GPENreformation and the Synodal Education Network for the gift but, above all, for the motivation to promote peace in our schools and in our lives.

The tablets sent to us will be used at Barão School in projects related to several relevant themes and the three institutional programs: VALUES; SUSTAINABILITY AND TRAINING IN READING SKILLS.

We thank the whole school community for being heavily involved in this event. Barão School has officially become a GARDEN OF PEACE.

May peace and joy be with you!


écrit par P. Gilson Ricardo Hoepfner, Brésil