Africa: The Kafue Boys’ Secondary School in Zambia


Peace protocols detested

Amnesty talks distrusted

The UN flag defiantly bullied

The Red Cross flag riddled with blood

Peace ambassadors swallowed by greed

Peace agreements abrogated

But who will stop the spilling of blood


Like children playing a game of guns

The world now seems to fight for fun

Just how pathetic


War tankers quake the ground

War jets groan in the air

Missiles fly like birds

Rockets drop like rains


Billows of smoke darken our skies

As the so called stronger sex

Destroys our land

In a useless quest to claim supremacy

Ruining the earth by weapons of war


Oh shame!

Shame be upon you mongers of war

The spilling of blood is your ultimate goal

Your riches and power disguise your shame

But yet in the end you reap dead fame

Innocent souls you are sending to park

Down in the plots of endless dark

Why not reckon you’ve come of age

And call for peace amid stormy rage


This dragon hearted blood sucker; war

Has brought about confusion

Confusion and not only mere confusion

But a multiplication of confusions

Forcing its victims to always live

With trauma, fear and stress


This ram shackled hullaballoo; war

Has left our people with so much trauma

That they are even scared Of their own shadows


This bed less bedbug; war

Has accounted for the destruction of both nature and humanity

Forcing millions of innocent people

To live perhaps the most degrading life under the sun

The life of refugees

What a life so terrible

What a life so empty

What a life so valueless

What a life so hopeless

What a life so cumbersome


A life with no place to call home

A life with dreams so shattered

A life of being tormented by ugly nightmares

A life with a future enveloped in complete doom

A life of begging for survival


Oh shame!

Shame be upon you mongers of war

The spilling of blood is your ultimate goal

Your riches and power disguise your shame

But yet in the end you reap dead fame

Innocent souls you are sending to park

Down in the plots of endless dark

Why not reckon you’ve come of age

And call for peace amid stormy rage


May you grant us dear brethren?

A moment of silence to pay tribute

To the unsung heroes of fate

The innocent victims of war

To all those great men and women

The innocent souls who get slaughtered

By greedy human vultures

The greedy war mongers

Who craze for power and riches


To all those great men and women

The innocent civilians

Whose flesh get mutilated by bullets

And their bones get scattered by bombs

To all those brave men and women

The peasant farmers

Whose legs and arms get amputated

By land mines and mortars


To all those great men and women

The traumatized parents

Who panic with fear at the break of war

They carry dogs, goats, cats and even chickens on their backs

Mistaking them for their beloved children


To all those great men and women

The broken hearted bread winners

Who go hunting for birds and rats in the bush

Scouting for roots and bitter little fruits

For their families to eat during war

To all those great little heroes

The innocent children who get orphaned by war

Abducted by guerilla fighters

And forced to become child soldiers


To all those great little heroines

The innocent princesses

Who die from hunger, starvation

And sexual abuse during war


Uprooted from the land

They sweetly call home

Many miles they trek

Through the killing fields

Roaming the wilderness

As they flee from the ruins

Their country a crisis

And a wreckage of war


Their eyes are flowing

With tears of pain

Lamenting the bitterness

Of their humanity broken

Where death and hunger

Are two opposite ends

Of the same stick

They have since forsaken their ego to live

Their dreams are now ashes and heaps of garbage

Wagons of insults are hurled at them

Their souls are pierced beyond mortal cure

Crying and praying for misery to end


Oh shame!

Shame be upon you mongers of war

The spilling of blood is your ultimate goal

Your riches and power disguise your shame

But yet in the end you reap dead fame

Innocent souls you are sending to park

Down in the plots of endless dark

Why not reckon you’ve come of age

And call for peace amid stormy rage


Whenever I listen attentively

I hear bomb vibrations

Lingering in the atmosphere


And when I do the mathematics

I come to a total of millions

Billions and trillion of dollars

Being set aside to procure

War artilleries and ammunitions

What a misguided priority

Why not use those dollars

To improve education standards

And reduce the levels of illiteracy


Why not use those dollars

To check and enhance food security


Why not invest those dollars

To check and make a cut

On the donor dependence syndrome


Why not utilize those dollars

To support local investments

And create jobs for the jobless citizens


Why not be prudent with such dollars

To improve support to peasant farmers

And deliver them from shackles of poverty


Why in the first place

Must humanity be at war

With fellow humanity


In which manner and language

Must the victims of war speak

Before their cry for peace can be heard

Nations gone to war

Because of their distance

In political stances


Worshippers of God

Would rather go to war

Because of their distance

In religious views


Families related in blood and flesh

No longer want to relate

Because of their distance

In social life opinions


Parties in government delivering less

Because they concentrate

On arguing over policy

With opposition parties


Let’s end this tension

And heal the world

If no one is right

Then no one is wrong

Better bridge the distance

For the good of humanity


Peace can be achieved

But not from demagogues

And their fire arms businesses

But through genuine dialogue

Around a table


We rather you emphasize

On the ballot

Than you commercializing

The bullet

Formulate a trade ban

On all weapons of war



Be them biological

Or chemical weapons

Be them atomic bombs

Or nuclear war heads

Be them long range missiles

Or Stone Age catapults


Blood stained businesses

Must come to cease

Our beacon of peace is unity in love

The voice of unity is always strong

The sound of war is so very wrong

Why not love as one human brother

Look at what we stand to achieve as one

Sticks in a bundle are hardly breakable


But count what we stand to lose as divided

You and I may convene summit meetings

You and I may connive in high level talks

You and I may sign trade agreements

But one fact we must not ignore

Unless in one love we unite as a human race

We can never be at peace with each other



All that shall be left of us

Is to continue witnessing our planet

Being shaken to its very foundation

By moral decay, global warming,

Deadly diseases, fatal accidents

Terror attacks and horrors of war

Just quite sadly but so surely

We shall continue becoming more stranded

Than a blind man in a very dark room

Searching for dark black shoes

This Poem was written by Andrew B. Mkandawire.