Argentina: Instituto Evangélico Argentino
Sowing hope: messages and stories of the pandemic /
Sembrando esperanza: Mensajes y relatos en Pandemia
On March 20, 2020, our country enacted the so-called A.S.P.O. (Preventive and Compulsory Social Isolation) was decreed. For all of us, a period of care began. To comply with it, we had to stay in our homes.
Our classrooms and playgrounds were empty, and the boys and girls were missing.
Then we had to work and sow hopes for the reunion.
One day the boys and girls came back, our playgrounds and classrooms were full again…. They filled with voices, laughter, chatter and games…. And we can count on them to continue sowing hope and to do so in the future. /
El 20 de marzo de 2020, en nuestro país, se decreto lo que se denominó el A.S.P.O. (Aislamiento Social Preventivo y Obligatorio). Todos y todas comenzamos un período de cuidado. Para cumplirlo debimos quedarnos en nuestras casas.
Nuestras aulas y patios quedaron vacíos, extrañando a los chicos y chicas.
Entonces tuvimos que trabajar, sembrando esperanzas para el reencuentro.
Un día los chicos y chicas regresaron, nuestros patios y aulas volvieron a poblarse… Se llenaron de voces, risas, charlas y juegos… Y podemos quedarnos con la tranquilidad de que ellos y ellas siguen y seguirán SEMBRANDO ESPERANZA.
Contributing students / Estudiantes participantes:
Elementary level: boys and girls of the third section A
Primary level: pupils of the third section A
Primary level: 1°B, 3°A and 3°B pupils
Secondary: 1°A and 1°C pupils
Teachers responsibles / Docentes responsables:
Entry level: Prof. Julieta Arcieri
Primary level: Prof. Sofía Maestri
Secondary level: Prof. Lorena Sarkis