Digital Ambassadors Conference February 26, 2024

On February 26, 2024, around 50 GPEN Ambassadors from five continents came together digitally for presentations, workshops and talks on the opportunities and challenges of digitalisation in Protestant education. All kinds of practical issues such as the availability of digital means in the class room, open source software and competences needed for teachers were addressed. Also a number of ethical issues and dilemmas surrounding educational digitalisation were highlighted in the various presentations and workshops.

The Koforidua Statement on this topic from our earlier conference in Ghana was again endorsed by all participants. It remains a good summary of the GPEN vision on digitalisation in Protestant schools around the globe.

The English version of the statement is available here: Koforidua Statement_English

The French version is available here: Koforidua Statement_French

The Swahili version is available here: Koforidua statement – Kiswahili

At the end of the conference two Steering Committees had their first meetings. One will be dealing with “Activities and encounters” and the other with “Networking”.

The presentations and documents of the conference are available here:

Gerson Mgaya_Digital coverage in Tanzania

Christine Nyiramana_Presentation on ReDiCo

Christine Nyirmana_Presentation on ReDiCo (French)

Remco Pijpers_Dealing with ethical dilemmas in digital education