P.H.S Batibo is located in Guka Batibo sub-division, Mezam division of the North West Region of Cameroon. The school is a Secondary General High school, it’s divided into the first cycle and the second cycle. At the first cycle (Form 1 to Form 5) the students study the general subjects and at the second cycle (lowersixth to uppersixth) or the High school the students specialise in either the Arts or the Sciences.
Also, P.H.S Batibo is a mixed sex school which offers boarding facilities. 90% of the teachers stay on campus in houses provided to them by the school.
The school is owned by the Presbyterian Church in Camroon (P.C.C) and it’s controlled by the Presbyterian Education Authority (P.E.A).
The school was opened in 1972 as a Presbyterian Secondary School (P.S.S) and later in the mid 1990’s it underwent transformation i.e. the addition of a high school, which made it became P.H.S Batibo.
Prior to this period, the school existed as a teacher training school which trained primary school teachers. As one of the schools owned by the Prebyterian Church in Cameroon (PCC), PHS Batibo has over the years been very successful in providing a sound moral education to young boys and girls from Momo division, where the school is located, and beyond. The school prepares children between the ages of 10 years and 17 years to sit for the General Certificate of Education (GCE) Ordinary level and Advanced level. GCE Ordinary level is written after the students must have completed the first 5 years in school, while GCE Advanced level is written after completing 7 years of studies.
Existing cooperations
The school has in the past had many cooperation and acting as a host for many foreign volunteers. Today it cooperates with the Pedagogic In-Service Training Programme (ISTP) Cameroon in the area of the capacity bulding of teachers, environmental education, health, life skills, HIV and AIDS.
The School has also a wonderful relationship with its Ex-students "BATAANS" who at the moment have some little projects in the school.