Our school was established in the 18th century by the mostly lutheran people of Kiskőrös. Its first teachers were lutheran pastors and musicians. The school grew and soon they had to add new buildings to the existing ones and the school became the so called “csengős” (means “bells” ) school, because the bell signaled the opening of the school day. The school existed as a lutheran school for over 150 years when in the middle of the 20th century the hungarian socialist leadership – along with many schools and church buildings and institutes – gathered it under one umbrella : under the control of the local civil leadership. It became a state school.
In 1990 big changes has occured in Hungary : the government has changed and churches had the possibility to claim the schools and institutes back. The first attempt to claim our school back happened right after 1990, but actual steps were taken around 2005. This past year 2012 we finally met all the requirements which were needed to have the school back. Finally 23rd of August, 2012 our school has officially started the schoolyear as a lutheran school.
Currently our school has approtimately 550 students and 45 teachers. In most classes there are 20 pupils. They have the same teacher for the first 4 years. We have specialized classes in German, English and Music. As any other school we are looking for possibilities to develop and use new methods. In classes we often use digital board and classes are interactive. We are searching for possibilities to improve our teaching, but our main goal is more to create such an enviroment for the children and their families where they can see the positive effects of our christian faith in their everyday life.
Our school building was renovated and updated to meet 21st century standards two years ago. We have a gym and we also use the city gym. We often go to the local swimming pool.
We have a good relationship with the local churches (Catholic, Reformed, Pentecostal and Baptist), with the local state school, and with the city leadership. Our home congregation is the local Lutheran church, which is just across the street. We have morning devotions in the Lutheran church’s building, on Tuesdays at 7.30am for 1st-4th graders and on Wednesdays at 7.30am for 5th-8th graders. We have retreat days twice a year : This year we had it around reformation day and the next will happen at Pentecost.
We know that we face a future with challenges. To raise healthy grown ups is not easy. Our plan is to help children to live a balanced life: equally train their minds and body, and feed their soul. As a christian school, we set as our goal to raise such people who can see the world and everything/everyone that is in it as God’s gift . It is our responsibility to preserve the world’s beauty, to create and sustain relationships based on love, and it’s our chance to be the people we dream to be. God created us out of love and this can strengthen us even when we face challenges in life: a loving God would never leave us alone.
God was with the school, with its teachers and students all along the way in the past and with his promise we continue our way:
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13,8
For further information don’t hesitate contact me (the school chaplain) :
Mária Szűcs
Visit our school website: http://kiskoros.evangelikus.hu/petofiiskola/index.php
Existing cooperations
We have partnership with a school in Stadtlengsfeld, Germany and we are about to form a new one with a school in Transylvania, Margita. We are open to explore new partnership in English speaking countries.