The history of Colégio Sinodal da Paz began with the desire of the local community to provide qualified teaching to everyone. The activities with students from Children Education, previously called Kindergarten, started at the end of the 60’s in partnership with CEFI (Comunidade Evangélica da Floresta Imperial), who provided a place where lessons could take place. Gradually, Regular Education was expanded, and in 1998 the implementation of High School was authorized, as well as the construction of classrooms through strong partnership with German entities.
Nowadays, the School offers Children Education, Basic Education, Full Time Schooling and Psycho-pedagogical Assistance aiming to provide excellence in education. The school administration is held by ABEFI (Associação Beneficente Evangélica da Floresta Imperial), but it is also affiliated to Rede Sinodal de Educação. Both institutions are recognized by their work, by their principles and moral values, and significant compromise with the education process. The School has a tradition of caring about each student considering one’s individuality, but always fostering the respect within the school community. Since its foundation, the school considers the social issue in education something very important and tries to offer a warm and welcoming environment. Alongside its work, the school mission is providing quality education with the continued construction of knowledge, so the human being will be able to develop sense of citizenship with autonomy and responsibility, interacting with a world in constant change.