CBS Roosjenschool is a christian primary school in Diever, Netherlands. It is one of the schools of the VCPOZD (Vereniging Christelijk Primair Onderwijs Zuidwest Drenthe).
The school has a staff strength of nine teachers and about 70 pupils. The school was founded in 1904 by parents with the help of a pastor of the Gereformeerde Kerk. In 1950, the school grew from 2 classes to 4 classes, and in 1977, a Kindergarten was added. In 1981, both the Kindergarten and the school moved to an new building.
In 1985, the Kindergarten and the school were brought together in one christian school called the “Roosjenschool”.
During all the years, the school was known as a school, where the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ was upheld and where the children feel safe and happy.