Here your can find the contribution of the Institut Majengo. It is written in English.
Here are some of the social projects and social institutions related to the church and faith in our region:
– Department of Diakonia and Development (DDD)
– Association of Blood Donors of Goma (ADOSAGO) ;
– Charitas for the sick children of quachiorcor and orphans
– PEZ (Programme elpis zoe) for people living with the AIDS virus (PVV)
– Member churches of the Church of Christ in Congo (prisoners, hospitals, displaced persons).
– Union of non-governmental organizations (asbl) led by OCHA, health child protection and food security.
Partners :
– MEU member churches
– MEU’s South-North Volunteer Program
– Pain Pour Le Monde (PPLM): professional training
– NCA (Norwegian Church Alliance)
– Smile training
– Swiss Cooperation (strict food security)
– Tear Found
– CBM (Canadian Baptist Mission)
– Protestant Solidarity
– Christian Aid
– Government of Canada
The Department of Diakonia and Development (DDD) provides assistance to the needy Choose a project around us to volunteer in a diaconal institution or another institution funded by the church.
Volunteer Work : Institution that helps the poor or an institution that does good work. Work with them to get to know them better.
- a) Its Mission: To ensure a healthy socio-economic life for the people in the CBCA’s field of action and for the members of its Church.
- b) Its Objectives :
– To translate the message of the Gospel into action through concrete diaconal and social actions.
– To conceive strategies that strengthen socio-economic self-sufficiency and to implement sustainable or social projects that respond to the real needs of the entire population of the CBCA’s field of action without any distinction of beneficiaries.c) Reason for its specificity: The DDD intervenes in favor of the elderly, orphans, illiterates, street children, people living with physical and/or mental disabilities, unemployed youth, displaced persons, victims of natural disasters (volcano, melting snow of Mount Karisimbi), prisoners, the sick etc. - d) The role of faith in their project: Their biblical foundation is in Genesis 41, 36 (These provisions will be in reserve for the land, for the seven years of famine that will come upon the land of Egypt, so that the land will not be consumed by famine). And in Matthew 14:16: (Jesus answered them, “They do not need to go away; give them something to eat yourselves).
Experiences of student joining the Volunteer work
Example 1. For volunteer work, the Department of Youth and Children (DJE)
Within the framework of twinning: between the CBCA and the United Evangelical Mission. UEM is inviting 15 young people from Africa and Asia to participate in the South-North volunteer program. Volunteers have the chance to grow personally in an informal learning process during their one-year-voluntary service in Germany, establish cross-cultural competence and intercultural leadership skills by working alongside those with a different background and viewpoints. They can learn about, contribute to existing partnerships, and build up new ones. After their voluntary service, the returnees can share what they have learned during their service with their own communities and networks at home. Host institutions in Germany get the chance to receive highly motivated volunteers that may bring in a new, different understanding of every day working culture, new perspectives and insights.
Example 2: Some of our students are members of the Association of Blood Donors of Goma (ADOSAGO). The reason for giving blood is Christian because Jesus sacrificed himself (shed his blood) to save the life of a sinner. It is a proof of love that the gospel preaches. The students save the lives of the sick by donating blood, not knowing who will benefit from it, so without asking to be paid for this work.
Some comments
The DDD is convinced that actions advance the Gospel. Among the many works realized in Goma, let’s take as an example the project realized for people living with disabilities. The DDD has helped this category of the population to build their self-esteem through medical care, it has created materials adapted to the disability to try to make the person useful to society, to make them discover that they can still be useful for themselves, the family, the church and even society. He has helped them to discover their talents, to take care of themselves (economic independence); to find their psychological blooming, to recover their smile, to reduce the risk of arousal, to decrease the weight of their diseases, to make disappear the stress of the parents and biological family members, to revive their family consideration, to make available, the sick could have the holy communion in their sick bed.