Favourite moments at the camp (Njase Girls’ Secondary School, Choma, Zambia)

By: Natasha Kasempa (Njase Girls’ Secondary School, Choma, Zambia)

My favourite day started the very day we arrived at the camp and started meeting and making new friends. Even the day we were split into different groups and i got to know people’s views about music in my group and interesting because i love art. I also loved watching the evening presentations that took place on that very day. Other favourite moments were the fail play events, the disco outside and the outing we had about the reformation with balloons at the church.

By: Hazel Hagwelele (Njase Girls’ Secondary School, Choma, Zambia)

I enjoyed the wittenberg camp in the sense that i met new people from different countries and it was very fun. The other part that i enjoyed was the part for presentations, people were presenting different things corning their cultures and other things or rather plays and the fact that we also presented nice. My other favourite part was the workshops and the sports that we had. We learnt a lot of things in our workshops, things like how families are in other parts of the world. And the sports that we played were very nice. The other part that i enjoyed most was when we went to Berlin, it was so nice because we saw a lot of things in Berlin and just the city itself was nice.

All in all i really enjoyed the wittenberg camp because i had fun and i learnt a lot of things like how people live there and in other parts of the world or rather other countries. And it was a great experience that people from different countries had to come together and enjoy together the 500 years of reformation.

Thank you

By: Mourica Matimba Muloongo (Njase Girls’ Secondary School, Choma, Zambia)

To whom it may concern.
Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing to outline my favourite moments at the interschool camp in wittenberg to celebrate the 500 years of reformation. Pardon me for i might not write all the required dates.

    1. My first favourite moment was on 1st June when we had a workshop and i was in group 8 which gathered from the relaxation rooms under Religious Education.
    2. Seconded by the 22rd evening when every person from all races had to show us their cultural practices were we as Njase girls presented our culture on behalf of Zambia
    3. On the 26th we and our hosting school in Gelsenkirchen had a touring trip to Berlin, the TV tower, the museum, the parliament and the catholic church.
    4. All the time we went to the reformation church was my favourite starting from the 23rd we hard so many entertaining concerts.
    5. When we went to the Martin Luther church and let go of the balloons having cards with our opinions. We also had once in a
    6. Life journey of seeing the theses of Luther. We went for an overview of wittenberg at the climbing park

Most of all i personally had a great hostile stay in the camp with well ventilated rooms, toilets, bathrooms and a well organised schedule of activities, well organised balanced meals. I will be so rude if i decide not to write THANK YOU.