ISTP Cameroon is an educational institution of two Protestant Churches in Cameroon, namely the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon (PCC) and the Cameroon Baptist Convention (CBC). The ISTP conducts the on-the-job training of teachers in learner-centred, participatory and active pedagogy and works with more than 36 secondary / High schools and over 200 primary schools; about 850 secondary school teachers and 1250 primary school teachers of the PCC and CBC. It also works directly with students and pupils.
The vision of ISTP centres on ‘Justice, Education for Liberation and Education for Life’ in the process of school quality improvement (EE Club). The mainstream activities of the ISTP include: Gender, Democracy and Good Governance, Environmental Education, HIV/AIDS and Life Skills.
The ISTP has trained over 60 Trainers called ‘Multiplicators’ who carryout on-the-spot professional development of Teachers in specific locations.
The ISTP is therefore a support institution for several schools.
Bestehende Kooperationen
The ISTP has as main partner, Bread for the World - Protestant Development service. It also cooperates with Pedagogic Services of the Ministry of Education in Cameroon, United Africa Association - Conservation Value Programme (UNAFAS - CVP), World Water Monitoring Challenge (WWMC), National Proestant Education Secretariat of Cameroon etc.